Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
El Dorado Irrigation District

El Dorado Irrigation Distirct
Well/Piezometer installation
Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting
El Dorado Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant, El Dorado Hills , California
The District’s WWTP is located in El Dorado Hills, California. The District owns and operates the permitted 4 million gallons per day WWTP and serves the community of El Dorado Hills. According to District personnel, the existing 66 million-gallon reservoir in the eastern portion of the site is un-lined. All other treatment, storage, and disposal units located at the WWTP are lined or placed in tanks.
In accordance with the WDRs/NPDES permit, the District was required to establish and implement a groundwater monitoring network that included one or more background monitoring wells and a sufficient number of designated monitoring wells down gradient of every treatment, storage, and disposal unit that does or may release waste constituents to groundwater. In July 2008, Stratus personnel installed three groundwater monitoring wells under permit and in accordance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board approved Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan (prepared by Stratus personnel).
In July 2009, Stratus personnel completed a Background Groundwater Quality Study and Degradation Assessment Report for the District in accordance with CCR Title 27 to compare groundwater potentially impacted from the WWTP operations to background groundwater quality. Stratus currently provides groundwater level monitoring, well purging, and groundwater sampling for the District’s three groundwater monitoring wells. In addition, Stratus prepares annual groundwater reports (bi-monthly reporting is no longer required under the existing M&RP) and has been providing these environmental services since 2008.