Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
City of Fremont
Aqua Adventure Water Park, Fremont, California
Most of Stratus’ projects are completed on an accelerated schedule to satisfy client or regulatory requirements. For example, the City’s Aqua Adventure Water Park site required an immediate response due to an accidental hydrochloric acid (HCl) spill on the park grounds. After receiving notification of the HCl spill, the City of Fremont Fire Department CUPA program requested that Stratus prepare a work plan that proposed actions to further investigate the extent of surface impact, and reduce the risk of public and worker exposure to the low pH impacted subsurface materials. Stratus was able to provide the City with a Corrective Action and Soil Sampling Work Plan within 24 hours of the release, and soil sampling and corrective action was completed within the week.
Stratus personnel utilized a portable field instrument to measure pH of the soil in-situ, in order to define the perimeter of the excavation needed to remove impacted soil, and observed the removal of shrubbery and soil with a pH below 6 located within the perimeter of the excavation to depths ranging from approximately 12 to 24 inches. A subcontractor retained by the City was responsible for removal and disposal of the impacted materials at an approved facility. Stratus provided contractor oversight, completed confirmation testing, and proposed a report of corrective action recommending case closure. The case was subsequently closed by the City of Fremont Fire Department/CUPA.
City of Fremont
Soils Testing
Contractor Oversight
Report Preparation