Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Lumber Company

Lumber Company, Amador County, California
Private Client
Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Prepare Remedial Action Plans
Coordination of Excavation and Stockpiling
Well Destruction Oversight
Well Installation Oversight
Groundwater and Surface Monitoring and Reporting
Geotechnical Monitoring
Construction Quality Assurance
Lumber and wood product manufacturing was conducted at the former industrial area since about 1941. The industrial area was developed with sawmills, planning mills, a box factory, a moulding shop, log ponds, log decks, vehicle and equipment maintenance shops, plywood and particleboard factories, dry kilns, drying sheds and yards, a co-generation facility, landfills, railroad maintenance shops, lumber preservative dip tanks, tee pee burners, and aboveground and underground petroleum product storage tanks and dispensers. These operations and facilities resulted in wide-ranging impact to soil and groundwater from diesel, gasoline, hydraulic oil, motor oil, minerals/salts, tannins and lignins, metals, semi-volatile organic compounds, dioxins, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and organochlorine wood preservatives. Contaminants became buried at various elevations during different periods of site development and structure layouts.
Stratus personnel prepared Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for both development phases, and for focused individual parcel sales. Stratus personnel also prepared county and state agency approved remedial action plans establishing clean-up goals and remediation actions for petroleum affected soils.
Stratus personnel’s creative remedial solution of placing approximately 10,000 cubic yards of petroleum affected soil under finished surface paving saved the client nearly $300,000 in unnecessary remediation fees, and reduced construction costs. Additionally, Stratus personnel coordinated excavation and stockpiling of approximately 1,500 cubic yards of a soil/bark/ash mixture in the area of a former teepee burner that was impacted with 2, 3, 7, 7 TCDD dioxin, along with subsequent coordination of a waste hauler and landfill for off-site disposal of the stockpiled material. We have also provided oversight of monitoring well and piezometer destruction and replacement following completion of site improvements. Portions of the property have been redeveloped with commercial establishments.
Stratus continues to conduct groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting for the existing landfills on the property according to Waste Discharge Requirements issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, and an Evaluation Monitoring Program.