Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
City of Jackson

Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Prepare Removal Action Plan
Attend Planning Meetings
City of Jackson
Sutter Street Extension, Jackson, California
The Sutter Street extension project is proposed to extend existing Sutter Street to the west from its intersection with Argonaut Drive, joining Sutter Street with Hoffman Street on the west. The City proposed to acquire ownership of the land between the current end of Sutter Street and Hoffman Street as necessary for construction and operation of the road extension. Environmental concerns for the Project area have focused on constituents related to mine waste/soil from the Argonaut Mine Tailings site (arsenic, lead, mercury and acid generation potential). Environmental investigations and localized interim remediation activities were initiated in the late 1980s northwest of the site, focusing on the impacted area immediately adjacent to Argonaut Lane.
The City charged Stratus personnel to assist with the Voluntary Cleanup Agreement with DTSC; conduct Phase I and II environmental assessments to address potential environmental concerns related to past mining operations; prepare a Removal Action Work Plan (RAW); and attend planning meetings with the DTSC, transportation engineer, and the City. Stratus’s recommended and approved alternative will avoid costly excavation, transportation, and landfill disposal costs.
Stratus personnel worked closely with the traffic engineer, DTSC, and City to reroute the road extension to miss the mill tailings pond/mine waste sand, and in addition, recommended road construction with impacted site soil incorporated in road fills (capped beneath paved sections of roadway). This recommendation was presented in the Sutter Street Extension Project RAW and was approved by the DTSC. This solution will reduce the potential for metal constituents to leach from the tailings into the area’s groundwater, be wind-borne or scattered onto adjacent properties, promote surface water runoff, and prevent surface water run-on. In addition, this recommended and approved alternative will avoid costly excavation, transportation, and landfill disposal costs.