Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Former Dotzenrod Shell
Former Dotzenrod Shell
Facilitated Entry into SCAP Program
Site Closure for Underground Storage Tank Case
Well Destruction
Developed PEP
Former Dotzenrod Shell, Anderson, California
Both motor vehicle fuel impact and solvent impact have been detected in soil and groundwater beneath and adjacent to this site. The motor vehicle fuel release occurred due to a release from a UST system; however, the source of the VOC/solvent impact is unknown (but could potentially be from a waste oil UST).
For many years the site was managed under funding from the UST Cleanup Fund. After recently reviewing the case, the UST Cleanup Fund determined that the fuel leak contamination met the criteria of the State Water Resources Control Board’s ‘Low Threat Closure Policy’. However, it was determined that additional assessment and remediation of solvents would be necessary. Stratus recently directed destruction of monitoring wells that were installed on behalf of the fuel leak case at the property. However, wells needed as part of the future solvent case at the property were left in place.
Stratus worked with personnel from the Regional Water Board and the State Board to obtain entry of the facility into the Sub Account program (SCAP). A work scope for a $276,000 grant (next 2 years) is currently being finalized, and a Project Execution Plan (PEP) for this work was developed. An in-situ groundwater remediation plan and a plan to further assess the extent of VOC/solvent impact was also developed, and has been approved by the Regional Water Board. Implementation of in-situ remediation began in February 2018.