Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
New Haven Unified School District

New Haven Unified School District
Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting
Additional Site Assessment
Sensitive Receptor Survey
New Haven Unified School District Corporation Yard, Union City, California
The New Haven Unified School District's Corporation yard has been used for maintenance and refueling of school buses and District vehicles, as well as vehicle storage, cleaning, and general equipment storage. Petroleum contaminants have been reported at the site in both soil and groundwater and semi-annual groundwater monitoring and sampling events have been conducted by Stratus personnel since 2013.
Stratus personnel were also responsible for preparing a work plan for additional site assessment work along with a sensitive receptor survey to address the data gaps remaining for Low Threat Closure Policy (LTCP) consideration. Those data gaps included: defining the aerial extent of the methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE) plume, assessment of the potential presence of petroleum fuel related volatile and semi volatile organic compounds within the upper ten feet of the soil at the site, and the possible presence of water supply wells within a 2,000 feet radius of the site. A sensitive receptor survey was completed and Stratus is continuing to work towards site closure under LTCP guidelines.