Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Former Gas Plus

Pancho Villa's Inc.
Environmental Consulting and Engineering
Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test
Evaluation of Remedial Activities
Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting
Site Characterization
Former Gas Plus, San Bernardino, California
Gas Plus is a former service station in San Bernardino, California. The site has been through several consultants who have given up working with either the State Fund or the client. The local oversight agency attempted to declare this a recalcitrant site and transferred it to the Regional Board.
Stratus assumed consulting responsibilities in 2013 to bring the site into compliance with AB2886 and continue assessment. The immediate assessment of groundwater conditions were unavailable because groundwater had dropped below well screen intervals. The existing vapor extraction piping was damaged and there were no details of the piping layout. A vapor extraction test was performed with above ground piping on the available wells to determine:
1) if natural attenuation in the soil had occurred;
2) feasibility of vapor extraction with the existing network of wells; and
3) zones to focus remedial efforts and/or further assessment.
After the SVE test, soil borings were installed to continue delineation of contaminated soil and determine the current groundwater depth.
During 2014, Stratus installed and operated a SVE system. The system operated through 2016 when the SVE system was shut down due to low influent vapor concentration. In an effort to obtain site closure as soon as possible, Stratus requested that the site be included in the Expedited Claim Account Program (ECAP) under CA State Underground Storage Tank Fund.
Stratus worked with the Joint Execution Team (JET) to identify the scope of work and costs to achieve site closure, in accordance with the CA State Low Threat Closure Policy. A work plan was recently submitted for the collection of shallow soil samples to identify if the residual concentrations of benzene meet the Low Threat criteria for direct contact and outdoor air exposure.