Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Pollock Pines School District

Pollock Pines School District
Soil and Groundwater Site Investigation
Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, and Reporting
Well Destructions
Site Closure Activities
Former Pollock Pines Elementary School, Pollock Pines, California
Stratus provided environmental engineering services to the Pollock Pines School District (District) at the former Pollock Pines Elementary School site beginning with soil and groundwater site investigation tasks through monitoring well destruction and environmental case closure (2012 through 2018). A petroleum fuel underground storage tank (UST) was located on the District’s property inside a maintenance building. Site investigations and removal of the UST were conducted in the 1990s, and the UST case was closed by the El Dorado County Environmental Management Department (EDCEMD) in 1999. However, subsequent investigations regarding leaking USTs from an adjacent property revealed that there were petroleum hydrocarbons in a monitoring well near the school site; consequently, the environmental case for the school property was reopened in 2011.
Stratus conducted site investigations at the former school which included the collection of soil and grab groundwater samples from soil borings and the construction of three new groundwater monitoring wells. The new wells were constructed to monitor petroleum fuel constituents in groundwater and Stratus conducted groundwater monitoring and sampling events on a semi-annual basis from 2015 to 2017. Following evaluation of groundwater monitoring data gathered during the first quarter 2017 monitoring event, Stratus concluded that the petroleum hydrocarbon plume had stabilized and recommended closure of the environmental case to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).
The RWQCB agreed that consideration of closure was appropriate, and Stratus provided a Low Threat Closure Policy evaluation for the site in 2017. In January 2018 the RWQCB approved environmental case closure conditional upon destruction of the existing monitoring wells. Stratus coordinated and oversaw destruction of the three monitoring wells in February 2018, and the RWQCB issued no further action notification to the District in August 2018.