Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I)
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
Construction Management & Field Services
It is the policy of Stratus that, while on-time and under-budget completion of jobs is important, nothing is more important than having our employees go home safe and whole. To this end, Stratus has set forth policies and procedures to insure the safety of our personnel. In order for the program to be successful, it must go beyond policy only and be a part of the culture and mindset of all individuals. At Stratus, we foster a culture of respect for safety within the company, and reward positive efforts towards meeting our safety goals. All employees, from the Principals down to the newly hired field technician, have the right to expect that they will be able to complete their assignments in a safe manner, and that training and equipment necessary to complete assignments will be provided. Every employee also has the responsibility to know and understand safety regulations and policies, and to stop work and notify superiors any time and under any circumstance when unsafe conditions are identified. Stratus has set forth the policies and procedures outlined below to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees.
Stratus’ dedication to safety is evident in many ways, but our achievements speak loudest. With well over a million man-hours worked to date, we have maintained a 0.0 OSHA TRIR, and have had no lost time cases recorded since our inception in 1999.
The rights and responsibilities of all personnel are clearly delineated, and all personnel are made aware of and trained in these rights and responsibilities.
Procedures for recognizing and handling changes in scopes of work or site conditions that may impact safety have been enumerated.
A system of documenting and tracking safety issues associated with each site and each scope of work has been implemented (site-specific health and safety and emergency response plans, job safety analyses, etc.).
A self-permitting system has been implemented to insure safe working conditions. Special permit procedures have also been implemented for higher-risk activities such as ground disturbance (i.e. drilling) and hot work (i.e. welding or grinding).
A substance abuse policy has been implemented that includes pre-employment and random yearly screening.
An on-going program of training and knowledge sharing, including regularly scheduled safety meetings, sharing of near miss incidents, and impromptu training opportunities, has been implemented to reinforce the safety culture.
Safe driving is emphasized by training field personnel in the use of the Smith System™ of defensive driving, prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving, and providing a program of regular vehicle inspection and maintenance.
Specific policies have also been prepared regarding the use of personal protective equipment, hand tools, working at heights, and lockout/tagout of energized systems